Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Back from Malaysia...........

just came back from Malaysia a few days agao.........
was quite happy to see my grandparents fine.........
they look happy at my uncle's house.......
but they would be happier back in their home...........
cause mum said they are more comfortable back at home.........
i feel like going to my grandparents' home.........
the air there feels so nice........
everything there is so serene and nice........
the neighbours there are also very nice..........
so i feel like going back there.............
we reached my uncle's house by afternoon............
we ate lunch there and my brother was there complaining.............
he said that not nice and this not nice........
and i ask him to shut up cause it was very rude..........
and he gave me a =.= face.........
then my mum ask him to keep quiet.........
so after lunch,we went to another uncle's house..........
you see,i have got three uncles and three aunties..........
thus,my grandma gave birth to six children..........
but actually is seven,but she gave one away...........
you may think it is cruel,but they have no choice.........
they were really poor at that time.......
so rather to let the child suffer with them,they gave the child away............
but the seventh child who is my aunt always come to visit during festivals............
okay,i am straying so far away...........
let's go back to my time in my uncle's house.............
ate my dinner at another uncle's house as what i had said earlier........
then went back to uncle's house to sleepover............
got to sleep in air-con room........
it was freezing cold........
and i got to sleep with mummy............
and brother was complaining again.........
cause he was to sleep on the floor...........
and he was so pissed off as he want to sleep on the bed...........
and i was laughing there and he looked so angry..........
but i told him he got his iPod to listen when he sleeps,so he should sleep on the floor.............
and he was giving me a 'what-a-crappy-reason' look.........
and i was making faces at him...........
in the end we talked and talked till we fell asleep.............
and the next morning after lunch,we went home......
so tired sia..........
but here am i blogging..........
okay,got to go..........

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